How to Make EDGE Computing Strategies and Big Data Work for You

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BH Iot partner, Steve Brumer, interviews Tripp Partain of Hewlett Packard Enterprises, Tom Digsby of Tech Data, and Tim Hennen of Lenovo. They discuss using the power of EDGE computing strategies and Big Data to excel in IoT technologies. Learn more about their discussion, below.


What are the biggest recent advancements in IoT EDGE computing strategies?

The ability to leverage AI and machine learning at the EDGE has rapidly increased. Microsoft reacted to the IoT market needs with Azure Solutions and will soon have a version with embedded GPUs. Having the extra data is very beneficial, but accelerators are a concern. The ability to take accelerators and drive AI machine learning use cases and deliver that close to the data sources has been the biggest recent change.


How do you get people excited about IoT Devices and Technologies?

Having a simple streamlined catalog of cameras, sensors, and IoT devices makes it easy to choose the ones you need to achieve the desired outcome and solve the problems of your customer. Thankfully, almost everything is adaptable and can be used from a preference perspective.

When the IoT focused value-added resellers, partners and system integrators understand how to go to market through the practice to build their process, it makes it easier to go to market and meet the business outcome objectives including the use of IoT focused EDGE computing hardware and services. With the EDGE software deployed, we can use ITTT logic to save overall cloud processing power time while reducing latency. IoT consulting with the reseller partners is vital to make sure they understand the market and that we have a business outcome to meet that market demand.


Are we in a consultative selling model?

It has to be. There’s no one player that can really satisfy the space. You need the right mix of hardware that has the right set of capabilities but you also need the right IoT solutions running on top of that. Multiple software packages will be involved depending on the use cases. Even with a standardized platform, you’ll have special plug-ins for particular parts of that solution.


What are people looking for with an IoT EDGE computing strategies offering?

Enterprise companies are looking for suggestions where IoT EDGE computing will help them solve their problem. Coming from a hardware angle, there is not a lot of problem solving to do. It’s more common to work with ISVs and IoT solution providers to vet this out on the different architectures, whether that’s multi-phase analytics, hardware, servers, IoT cloud, hybrid, or something else. Enterprises aren’t usually looking for IoT technology, they’re looking for solutions.

On the OEM side, that’s a bit different. They’re looking to maintain security from the end point to the data center. Working with the right partners is the key to providing a holistic IoT solution for customers.


Interested in Learning More About IoT Technologies?

There’s a lot more to the discussion. Watch the video above to learn more about EDGE computing strategies. To hear about BH IoT Group’s IoT consulting services, please contact us.

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